Pneumonia in dogs with acute, severe vomiting and diarrhoea in summer 2019
I am starting to wonder if there’s a new infectious agent causing acute gastro-entero-colitis in dogs around here (northern England) recently. Firstly, there seems to be an upsurge in numbers of cases: especially those which take a week or more to recover. None of those which I’ve seen were markedly neutropaenic or tested positive on Parvo Snap tests. I believe that almost all of them have been vaccinated.
Secondly, three of them have had concurrent pneumonia on ultrasonography:
It’s possible that this could be inhalation pneumonia. But I’ve been checking the lungs of most dogs that I’ve scanned for several years now without seeing this in such numbers (these 3 cases have all been in the last 3 weeks). It could be ‘canine seasonal illness’; whatever that is.
I can’t find any specific reference to lung involvement in SCI cases: but, as a severe systemic illness, it seems conceivable. It’s certainly the right time of year.