Nasal philtrum arteritis in dogs
This is a rare but very striking condition. First described in 2002:
Dermal arteritis of the nasal philtrum in a Giant Schnauzer and three Saint Bernard dogs.
And subsequently reported in a handful of further dogs. St Bernards and GSDs appear particularly over-represented amongst affected dogs.
Our case, Selous, we first saw about 18 months ago. He suffered severe bleeds from an ulcerated lesion on the nasal planum above the right nostril.

The lesion in Selous’ planum nasale: this is 18 months after the original surgical resection
Histopathology is required for a diagnosis. Happily, surgical excision of the lesions is also a treatment option:
Dermal arteritis of the nasal philtrum: surgery as an alternative to long-term medical therapy in two dogs.
Very recently this has been written up in Vet Dermatology:
Tacrolimus therapy for dermal arteritis of the nasal philtrum refractory to surgery and anti-inflammatory therapy (doxycycline/niacinamide and topical fluocinolone) in a dog.
I have a rescue German Shepherd that I believe has this condition. We’ve had him 2 years and our vet has tried several things, including steroid that has not helped. I have photos, but not sure what we can do to help him. Thank you
Hi Gynene, replied to your email
I have a 6 year old purebred gsd that I believe has this condition on both sides of his nostrils along with the middle of the front of his nose. He gets snotty. I use saline spray to keep the area disinfected. A couple months ago he was prescribed tacrolimus for one “cut” but I’ve been hesitant to continue to use it due to the long term affects, along with the fact that the more I used it and messed with his nose the more it bled, but note he has two more “cuts” and none of them will heal in their own. I’m at a loss.